How much?!

For less than the price of a single instrumental lesson, students get an entire year of MusicEDU!

MusicEDU Subscriptions​

Semester Access

£ 13
  • • £(no tax)
  • • Price Per Student
  • • Full Suite Access

Full Year Access

Most Popular
£ 19
  • • £(no tax)
  • • Price Per Student
  • • Full Suite Access

Unlimited Access

£ 3900
  • • 12 months access
  • • School flat-fee
  • • Full Suite access

MusicEDU has a simple per-student pricing structure. You only pay for the number of students you enrol / subscribe to a class (or grade level). We know every school has a different amount of time allocated for the music program, so our flexible pricing includes Semester and Annual options. There are no setup fees, data storage is unlimited and teacher accounts are free.

Did you know?

The cost of a MusicEDU subscription doesn’t need
to come from your music department’s budget!

Funding and finance options include:

✓ Government Funding Allocation (eg. Academic support, educational resources, text books, e-learning resources, etc.)

✓ Grants and Foundations (often these are over a three-year basis enabling your subscription to be sustainable).

✓ Student book-list (school or external third party provider such as Campion and Box of Books in Australia)

✓ Library or text book budget

MusicEDU is with you every step of the way to find the right solutions for your school. Talk with us to find out more.

We want every student to have access to a world-class music education.

If your school loves MusicEDU but can’t afford it, chat to us about our Grants and Funding options.

“In our first term with the MusicEDU Suite we have seen our student engagement increase threefold!"
Kristen Jack
Cessnock High School, AUS

Try the MusicEDU Suite for FREE

Experience the MusicEDU Suite with our no-obligation trial

Whatever’s on your mind,
we want to hear it.

MusicEDU Pty Ltd
PO Box 162
Forestville, NSW, Australia 2087

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.